Discipline gets lost on the weekend
When it is considered a blessing
To stay up late and sleep in the next day
And though this may be the case
There would be a much better service if the same schedule
Takes place, for the power comes with consistency.
Tomorrow, take the body to the athletic club
Sign up, shake immediately
Listen to what Jocko says
Do not judge those warriors of the military
And though you may not believe in the politics
There is a lesson to be learned about determination
About training the body, about being enough
Popping right out of bed offers a sense of accomplishment
Drives the feeling inside that I am becoming
And though it can be argued that this is part of ego
The truth is deeper, part of the system
Part of the questioning, part of making
A difference in the way the thoughts are shaped
In what you believe. It is so easy to become stuck
In the cocoon of comfort, lying under blankets
Escaped from the cold outside, curled up
Beside the dog. Thoughts and yawns come
So that the written words feel like a joke.
You want to deliver the sentences of sleep
To tell yourself that you need more, that you are not ready
That you are not enough, that this day will be failure.
And why does the mind wake this way, chasing the dark
Perhaps what is put into the body: both thoughts and fuel
The cookies after six in the evening
The confusion about who you are
As a teacher, the idea that there is always too much
The not knowing where to begin
The feeling behind.
None of this can exist in the now, for the now
Is only about the moment, and in this moment
All is perfect. The coffee wakes though then
The thought comes about addiction to caffeine
Always judging the judger
Finding something, discontent.
The goal is to wake ready for the day
To get up and under that cold shower
To shake into the vision of morning
To see that waking is a gift not all get
Instead of the hangover of sleep
The desire for more, the dream world
Unreal. The words will not come on this Monday.
The beginning of change is about to be witnessed
Too late you stay up and this is
No excuse to be taking more sleep
For when the body and mind are tired
They will sleep, and it is not up to you
To decide this, the notion of how much
You will always chase and say that each day of sleep
Is not enough for something needs blamed about the way
You feel. Something needs to be seen as that which
If with improvement would change everything
That is the nature of the ego, to always be grasping
To blame, to create situations of despair, to compare
To create if...then situations constantly
This is where fear thrives, like a boiling secret
And we all being a pot of frogs, disturbed by the water
But not until after we have gotten used to the temperature
What a strange thing the way this happens
That we can’t even see as it is happening
How we accept being run by a pain body
How we let this take control of the mind
And most do so without the slightest of examination
If there is to be a change in neuroplasticity
The desire for the change must be addressed daily
No donuts can save that which is ingrained
No mission with an unknown target will overcome
Still seeking comfort first thing in the morning
Beneath a blanket of the sofa, the time coming close
For the ways of meditation, again another discipline
Lost in the late nights of the weekend.
There still needs to be a gathering, but this gathering should end
No later than ten, if the body and brain are to rise
To wake and complete the same as the week
After meditation:
The doggy cries in the distance, a sound so helpless
A sound that makes you want to cry
To stay under the blanket, to sleep more
You struggle to see, the thinking continues with:
This time is being wasted, the thoughts keep coming
A day or two away. Should not Saturdays and Sundays
Be even greater opportunities to connect spiritually
In the morning, to make your own day better
Yet there is programmed in the brain
That sloth is a blessing, lying down even now
The head against a couch pillow, avoiding
The inevitable. The missions and mentors
Out there those who await the times to teach
In them is there the discipline? Is this discipline
Even wished for. Everything is questioned when
The ego has taken over and fallen out of sorts
And though Saturday’s morning did start with writing and mediation
It was done later, and this turned into being up later
Into waking Sunday without enough sleep
Into only three minutes of meditation and no writing Sunday
What might come out of these realizations
This idea that consistency results in the building of difference
To sit with a man and listen, to hear the voice of blood
Struggle for his own place in the world
To try to fit within his own family
Knowing his first family never fit, to take the stomach
Ache that is form the coffee or the fish
And to realize that some days there will be no muse
No inspiration behind the words that you write
And in this is still the necessity of sitting
For you never know what will come from
Picking up trash in the parking lot of Living School
Finding a glass bowl beneath the safety light, a halo filled
With water, and you tell a teenager how this could be
A birdbath. And she and the others like this idea
And one of the girls says, “I like you. You’re calm.”
You’re not sure why she says this, but you do know
That there is something for you in the service
Of kids in the 9th ward, something more perhaps than standing
In front of a classroom and delivering. There is
And should be a way to pull them out of them
To allow for the spirit to enter, to strip away the ego
That causes M to dance nonstop when he is not supposed to
And then refuse during the school assembly.
There is the ability to build relationships
The more that you are able to talk
The more you can hear and learn and listen to L’s music
And maybe she can then listen to some of yours
And the two of you might discuss why you like or don’t
Like. As adults. As two having a conversation
To share, to learn something new, to create a fire
There is kindling throughout the neighborhood in every yard
And even in the few alleyways hidden between shotgun houses
There is the chance to lift up and to be lifted
Yet when one side knows everything, the other side will
Never be listened to; untapped potential, possibilities missed
Gifts squashed and robbed in the name of compliance and test scores
Yet do not walk against;
Never walk against, for there is self-debilitating anger
In the very notion of against. So move toward and forward
What is it that you are for? In the morning, the brain settles
The moment becomes able to be the moment
The glory not in the long run but in the now
The glory comes in being here and now without thinking
The glory comes in being here and now without thinking
Like the dog continuing to chew his leg
Without turning to acknowledge the fart he just let
As if everything is normal because
Everything is normal
And today is a gift and a beginning of what will be
A beautiful week of learning and growth
A chance to find out more about who you are
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