Before meditation:
Always every excuse not to sit
And face whatever it is that comes forth
For what lies inside is every fear
Every desire, every sick thought
That blocks you from who you are
So on the toilet you decide that 2019
Is for the second person, and it does not
Matter whether you go back and forth
From past to present
Or whether the older man pours
For the younger
As done in Korea, those lonely nights
Singing with Aunts, eating spicy chicken
Downing bowls of kim chi alone but wanted
If for nothing more than the difference
Is not this what so many seek:
The difference
What is special about being separate
What is better or worse and never
Us: the way we are we in this industry
Called life, called driving, called
Next we find the way past what is
To what was
to what will be
The same things: the snowfall
The calls from the balcony
The winds that blow forth
Disturbed by a woman, lovely like a soft touch
To be kind to those that call from up above
Those that have called since birth
A mother with wonder and sleep
Risen early to see her eldest son drive
Sixteen hundred miles from Iowa
To New Orleans is a mighty difference
Yet there are mothers there, too
Miss Lee and Miss B, and even Miss T who is
Closer to being a sister
Though these mothers could never replace the love of the one
Calling from the balcony, the one you made worry
The one that concerns herself with whether you are hungry
And whether your hair is cut
And have you met any nice girls
And if so, have you considered marriage
And are you sure that you can’t stay longer
“Can I buy you a shirt?”
This is the mother you
Take for granted all that she has done
If you want to continue living
With the thought of self made man
No man is self made
Not with a mother that gave gifts of love
Everyday you showed up
Blood on the elbows and knees
A shaved eyebrow, passed out in the driveway
Stumbling through the living room
She forgave, even the Mother’s dDay
You called home from jail
You were without card, without sentiment
Thinking not of the day
Not knowing the date
Not knowing much of anything
Save the need for money
And she gave, and she forgave
So how dare you not answer, when she calls
From the balcony, maybe
This is what needed to come in these twenty
Minutes a love letter that never would have been written
For you take what is given, live in the moment
Ask to be forgiven
Get the mail, take the trash to the curb
Make fires, still
You leave a mess, one that is less
What it used to be ; kindling
The beginning: anew
Whittling: who knew?
She lets you drive her car down snowy streets
The cold outside
Only relieved by a step
In, carpet, a call
From the balcony
Mostly saying, “I love you.”
In so many words
The same is heard the world over
For the gift of a mother is more than
Any grown boy deserves
And maybe the difference between men and women
Is that at some point the girls turn into women
Whereas people just start calling boys men
Because of their age: they know not to wash hands after the
Or to put wax paper over bowls of chili
In the microwave.
Those boys never get haircuts or buy new clothes
Not on their own
Not unless there is some proclivity
Yet this does not define every man
Nor does every mother call from a balcony
No, some sit in the old age home with yarn
And a cat named Fluster,
Looking out the window and wishing they might have called
Wishing they might have said more than this
Wishing that every Christmas was a Sunday
And every Tuesday a Monday and not willing
To take the path of the quiet lamb
Or the boastful pride of a pack of lions
Choosing instead to let everything get under the skin
Instead, your mother from the balcony has begun
A journey to see her own purpose and so when
You say that you are writing
She walks away and waits
She realizes that moments will come again
And maybe, if you tell her, she will know
That these last moments, the seconds and minutes
After she interrupted
You dedicated these to her
You took your time for writing
And you built a house for the reader to see
That his own mother might have been the only reason
That he sits sometimes with tears in his eyes
And the vision to see a better tomorrow
In sitting
Thoughts are labeled
Neither good nor bad
Only thinking
And in life we meet
Friends and family and think
That we know what is best.
We call some of this judgment.
We see judgment as bad.
On the other side we say things like,
“I just want what is best for him,”
“It’s for his own good.”
This is no more different than thinking
That we know which thought is good and which is bad
If this were the case, all of us would have figured out life
Long ago.
Still, we take these ideas
so deeply ingrained
and push our notions of what should be
in the name of love.
True love is trust
Is knowing the process
Is knowing every action (or inaction)
Is an opportunity.
Every path is different.
Take the great lesson of Chogyam Trungpa:
The iron jacket and pants that we all wear
And one day, one of us discovers a key
And a zipper, and a way out
And suddenly, you run free
Your body one with the wind
No difference between breath and skin
And you shout for a crowd
And the people gather to listen
And you say that look here, this is
The way.
Take this zipper and this lock
And you, like me, will be free.
Each member of the crowd looks down,
Searches around, looks for
A lock and a zipper, but each suit is different.
Each suit is mean
Each suit can
Each suit has it’s own set of keys
And each suit can only be taken off
By the one wearing it.
So consider: his journey is perfect
The one you want to help
Does not need your help
The one that would be so much happier if…
Can be happy now.
It is you that struggle because of these thoughts
It is you whose suit must be taken off
It is you who must look down at the chains and
See that the keys all lie within you
There is nothing out there to catch
There are no reaches that need to be made
Every day a bit of inspiration
An unthreading of steel
Wool what will be and let might
Set the course upon which you will
Witness the vision
That rises in the east and think not
Of what they do when the sun sets
For this sun will never set once you break free
Do not in the least think that
The searching for freedom is not valid
For most subsist on this search
Most thirst is quenched not by water
But by the notion of availability
Talk to a junkie
And ask just how knowing the score was going to come
Took away eighty percent of the craving
Speak to an alcoholic
And ask how two o’ clock meant two more hours
Until the first beer, and how this allowed
Two more hours of fighting
How then to take these gods and make real gods
And real presence and silence
And revolve around wishes given
Not only to the majority
But to everyone that wishes
Need not be Muslim or Christian or even
Masters have never been self-named
At least not in the streams where we have stepped
Only the first time did you not realize
Wet is a condition that cannot be thought
So much as experienced and neither
Can the adherents of the events be struck down
By motorists on their way
For they must have a place and a destination
Coupled with the knowledge that this place may not be found
Coupled with the knowledge that
All motorists must
At some time turn around
Even when the weather is not inclement
Even when the seasons are rain and the need for wipers is
Even when you think there are only twenty more minutes to
The journey is a wide one, not out of reach
But not to be grasped and gripped and held onto
Like a monkey stuck in a coconut
One of the greatest analogies to describe the
Self-proclaimed greatest of apes.
Speak not what cannot be heard in silence
Speak not what cannot be sold
Speak not what comes from beyond
In the fold of the muse
Before the afternoon
Before the drive
Before the time dings
Before you make it out
No longer alive
But living
No longer breathing
But a spirit
A flow
A thought in the hearts of those still speaking
Build ancestral altars and always carry
The hearts of those that walked the earth
The feet of those that wore down the path
And then might you see that the master is found
Not in skin or brain or even heart
But in the gas that floats between and within all of us
A gas that will lift
And give buoyancy to seal
Will also deliver you into heaven
Right here on earth
Right here before you
Right past the chain mail through which
There has always been a key
Through which there has always been release
Though which you have never needed assistance
And never needed more than you have.
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