Before meditation:
You are a grand experiment
Shirtless after waking
In the state of worry
Realize quickly that no worry is real
Take neuroplasticity and joy
The making of making words and changing
A trip to The Lorraine to feel what maybe King felt
To acknowledge that there are still many problems
Though advances have been made
Anybody can stay at this La Quinta
Any man or woman holding any leash
Any breed of dog
and this is something more than what was
and this is something more than what was
The coffee is free for a hundred and thirty dollars.
Elvis got hooked on those pills and died
You, my friend, got to break free to come alive
To wake each morning and see what comes, see what
The world will bring everything that you are meant to see
So many falcons along the highways in Iowa
The vegetation all dead
Still the birds sit on branches and watch traffic
And what must each one think, what must they eat
Each day does one dig past frozen ground or poke
His head out and pick at the left cheese of Wendy’s wrappers
You have a space where trees can be planted and where you can see
A bird with yellow wings, tiny like a finch, like a bird you have never seen
Bear witness to the naked truth of what is brought forth
A platter of joy to begin the neuroplastic journey
A refrain whose chorus you are not aware until moments before
The first note rings forth like a snowfall in the South
Like Elvis Presley and Martin Luther King sharing a sausage sandwich
And what would each say to the other, what would each say to you:
Mostly enjoy the moment for you only have so many
Do not regret anything that has happened
Move forth and love past friends and family
Take salt shakers from restaurants
If you are willing to pay the price
Plant trees and eat rice that is planted in a fashion
Give back to the earth
This sounds more like you talking to you and using
The voice of the Kings. In Memphis and end may have been met
In Memphis is a grand pyramid that pays homage to the Egyptians
Take all of the names and find the history behind each
Even Georgia must be related to King George
And if you look at the Martin Luther King Boulevards
Throughout the United States you will find
Places of poverty where drugs can be bought
Downtowns with boarded up windows and shooting dens
Fires inside cans meant for barrels of oil
A joyous moment when a baby is born
A raised voice and fireworks
The sky lit up by one broken streetlight
Take care to take care of each other
In a spot such as this, designed by systemic practices and oppression
Do not act as if this has happened by the choice of the victims
Instead take bare rooted trees and vines and bring butterflies
And bring jobs that bring about change in this very community
Take turns taking off your glasses
And take turns to stop the people passing
Strike up a conversation, realize
Objects are bigger than they appear
In your rear view mirror. There can be no salvation
Until every voice is heard, you will continue to deprive
The world of the opportunities of thoughts that lead
To the machines of tomorrow and the dismantling
Of yesterday. Until you listen first, remain silent
Try not to defend, try not to say,
“That’s not me. That’s them. I’m not like that.”
Listen. Listen. Take steps to ask. Maybe nobody wants trees
Or butterflies or the purple of mulberries and shit
This has been heard, realized, offered time after time
The persimmon is not only for the Japanese
The poke of a vision takes on new territory
Not yours. Not theirs. Because there is no theirs and yours
So confusing when separation has taken place for so long
So much closer when you can sit each day and not
Seek to perfect or understand, but rather question and ask and then
Sit in silence and know that this is the gift
Know that all violence comes from dissenting voices
Dogs trying to pee on the top of other dogs pee.
Daily you do this by denying love. Instead, pee where no dog has peed before
Make urination it’s own journey rather that trying to take and break
And pull chunks from one that has come before
It’s like a dog fart in the morning
In a La Quinta in Memphis, drinking hundred and thirty dollar coffee
Without worry and without need for the traffic
Outside the window only now you notice
A U-haul...
The thoughts are like Baklava
The way they are layered
Stuck to each other
And just when you think that one
Has been peeled away
Another comes
The thoughts are like Baklava
Sticky and hard to get rid of
Gone for the moment and back again
And the sign when thinking what Tolle said
Ask yourself what am I going to think of next
The sensation in the legs, the Wonder Bread factory
The men outside the window standing on scaffolding
Three stories above Memphis they work the new year
They build as we build and breathe as we breathe
And yet they seem so far away, their children
And mothers and fathers we will never meet
Always sitting inside the glass, inside
The trap of thoughts that come across
Snow on a television screen, a desire
A want, a need, building something
Worried that you will not get what you want
And what is it that you want?
You say that you are not sure, but this
This is the nature of the stickiness.
So maybe this journey of constantly pushing what
Needs to be next
Taking the seemingly inspired thought
And asking that one to go away
With a simple agreement you have made:
Means stop
When uttered during meditation
Means closer
To god
To time
To the moment
To the men
Atop the Wonder bread Factory
The white bread you ate as a child
Without question, without twist tie
With peanut butter and jelly
And bologna you didn’t know
And still don’t know
How to spell
For these are agreements made
By humans that once lived in a cave
These are agreed upon terms
This whole world survives upon
The notion that there is a speed limit
That there are equal rights and equal numbers
And that we have more power than a mastodon
In that we created fire and with this advanced
And maybe the acceleration of our minds
Meaning humans
Meaning more specifically
Homo sapiens
Came about from a Sunday stroll
(though the day was not known)
And a couple
(though the couple may have been a tribe)
And a basket
(this was a basket)
Of mushrooms that made the whole cosmos come alive
And with this realization
That we are more, can do more,
Can be more than eaters of marrow and hiders from giants
And with this came cognition
And with this came damage and progress
Though the dictionary can separate
At times the two are synonyms
Even these: bread and wonder and men standing
With or without families, outside of a hotel
In a city where a man that wore sequins was worshipped
And a man that fought to make everybody equal was shot
What does this tell us about the gift of cognition?
The false concepts that we all agree upon
Question everything or find a man
Eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches
Washed down with milk and qualudes
Living longer than one who marched and fought
And gave his own life
Who was really taking care of business?
And who really was the King
And which tried to pee on the pee of other dogs
Of us
There is still the need to run from the mastodon
And stand by to determine
What the other tribe is holding
Stand by and determine whether to play the cards
Thoughts are only stolen when you write too quickly,
Yet no thoughts are your own, for every thought has been shaped
So give this gift back to the gods
Back to nature
Back to the twisted shapes of men
Outside the hotel window
And ask yourself whether or not
The bread should be eaten
Pause before thinking better or worse
Pause before speaking or refusing to speak
Pause to find out what it is that moves you
Pause to realize what makes a true king
And what makes a simple witness in this
Baklava memphis
I would like to end but cannot
For to make words fit and work
We must first consider the thirst and the fountains
Of glory and a pyramid built in a city
Where the heat swells up
And nobody can gather at the top
And so maybe one day a new hotel will be made
After Bass Pro Shops rescinds ownership
And maybe we will sit with a world famous dish
Made by two kings, made by the Greeks
In a restaurant that spins
At the top of a pyramid, drinking
Coffee black and maybe
And apertifc, waiting patiently
For the waiter, the one we wait upon,
To come to the table
White cloth atop silver dish, to
Announce to the crowd and those passing by,
I have this for you,
It is ready, but are you ready
To take in the sweet,
To peel the layers,
To take a look at this:
Baklava Memphis
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