Thursday, January 17, 2019



Thoughts of silvopasture upon awakening
Bamboo fences and parking lots in the East
The gift of mentors that believe in truth
The gift of those willing to talk to you
Your own faults at pretending, at needing to seem
As though you know what you don’t always know
Pretty sure that silvopasture is where cows and chickens
Are separated, where the cows eat the grasses
Then the chickens come in and nibble on what lives
In the patties of the cows, dropped, and this may be
You are nearly one hundred percent on this
So why not ask the question to make sure?
This might bring out the face that you do not know everything
This realization is positive and necessary
As much as the sprinkle comes this breezy morning
As much as the love comes upon your shoulder
As much as names that should be known by now
Names of the family of a man that you admire.
The two of you praise a man whose name is also unknown
Who one hundred and fifty years ago planted live oak
Trees along each side of Dorgenois and this
Is what you have to offer the 9th ward, the future
The gifts of chinquapins and pineapple guavas
That you may never eat, but which will rise and spread
And in order to keep the giving and sharing,
A list must be made, yet some of the responses:
A worry about getting sued if a child climbs the fence
Falls and breaks a limb trying to pick a satsuma
Fruit bringing rats and possums and other vermin
People coming onto the property and stealing.
What of the desperation that brought thoughts as this?
What of how trust has been erased in the name of suspicion?
What of butterflies on every fence and sidewalks where
Birds land and flutter and pass and land again
If only to show that there is life, if only
To help you realize the moment of your own
And without this, concrete will pave over the entire surface
Like a cast on an arm, the earth withers beneath
Grows weaker until a cast covers the entire body
Without trees the earth cannot breathe
Without worms the earth cannot digest and yet
So much moves toward taking away the very needs.
What of Maslow’s hierarchy when it comes to the blue and green
When the islands of plastic float on the seas
And children receive lunch on styrofoam trays
That they then eat with plastic forks
All of this thrown into black plastic bags
And the children are told to throw it away
As if there is an away, as if by there doing this
The trash somehow magically disappears
And we don’t think of these early lessons, of the ways
In what we do teaches them to do what they do
And there are theories, mostly your own
About why trash and wrappers and needles and cans
Pile up on France and Villere, thrown down by those who gather
As if doing so is taking power in a world of powerlessness
And when you talk to white people about systemic oppression
One man says, yeah but, and wants to discuss women
Taking from the system, making children that have no disabilities
Disabled so that they can get government funds.
He might as well revert to Reagan and his notion of welfare queens
Or he could do research on the far reaching effects of slavery and red lining
And the ways that these practices are so ingrained that white society
Does not even question the systems through which we benefit
So if an entire race has been cut and chopped at every turn
Would not this money be a sort of reparation?
And would not there be some truth in the notion
That any child born is in a sense disabled
Taken two steps back in the beginning and working twice as hard?
What we see and know was created by those that did not question
And what will heal what has happened will take centuries
And it won’t make sense when it is first proposed
And we might not even know that it is happening
While all of this is figured out, you will still reach out
Still try to share plants with those closest to you
Document the qualitative effects which is what the man
You admire said is most difficult to do, yet most necessary...

After meditation:

Spread what first comes easily:
Elderberry, mulberry, passionflower vines, butterfly
Ginger, sweet potatoes, elephant ears, taro root, turk’s cap,
Angel trumpet, figs, lab lab beans, betel leaf, cassia pendula, and then
Move into what needs to be acquired by seed: pineapple guava,
Papaya, moringa, and as these are thought of, consider
What needs to be explained, how to cut and coppice
How to use trees to feed other trees, which species should be together
How to interplant southern apples, persimmons, satsumas,
And play with the seeds of what will survive down to the twenties
Create a list of what can be given like dwarf tamarillo and muscadine
Holy basil and shiso and kkae nip seeds, arugula that will spread
Let people know that some are for feeding the soil and creating seed
Create a list of how to do this, let that be the curriculum
Let the world be the map upon which decisions are considered
Let the sacred ground stay blessed and healed by the hands of those
That have been a part of its sickness. Let this power be known by the children
Explain how these plants are using you by encouraging
The gathering of allies, how they are determined to spread their seed
Ask each farm for a list of five plants that multiply, that they can
Readily share at any time, like curry leaf and swamp milkweed, let what takes over
Grow in pots, consider how to heal soil, perhaps bidens alba
In black pots that can then pull up the heavy metals, yet then
Where do these go? Enlist the services of those studying at Tulane
Ask everybody you know, for there has to be a way of decomposing
And destabalizing the metals once a plant that actively held them has died
Is not this the way the earth heals itself? Surely there are mushrooms
A bin where all of this decomposed bidens might turn into soil
And be healed by fruiting bodies and mycelium, take the trash that
Might otherwise go the the landfill, compost what can be composted
Put plants into bottles and cans, take what is left and use this
To create art, to create vision, to ask questions, for in all of this
Is a gift, and how many times each day is this word uttered?
When living in the world of the spirit: constantly, for there
Is so much to be offered; find spots for bare root trees between now
And ordering time, walk up and down Lesseps with new flyers that read:
Would you like to see more life? Birds and Butterflies above the sidewalk. Would you like to stop and pick fruit fresh from a tree? Would you like to walk by and inhale
The scents of flowers meant to intoxicate? If so, think what you might want planted
Think of how you might share once your plants become bigger
For there is something for every fence, and a tree for every yard
These are gifts that should not cost money
Nature is not for sale, at least not through CRISP
There is the desire to plant what will heal the earth and feed us
And at the same time give us the strength to believe
There is a long way to go to repair the damages done in the past
This is only a small beginning, a chink in the armor, a sign
That there is a corner, and what could go wrong with sharing, with loving
The earth that supports your body, that does not question
That holds you beneath heaven until the time comes
Where your bones will feed this very same soil
And if you are lucky, roots will grow from this calcium
Mycelium will surround as the soul floats in a vacuum
Of infinite wisdom, grateful for the connection made
While in your body
Let this soul move you to consider a mirliton vine
And the way that things used to be, consider what you have never eaten
Molokhia. Consider taking a mimosa tree to fix nitrogen, consider trying
A starfruit tree near concrete or stone, on a southwest facing wall
Where experiments will be captured and seeds can be saved
Consider sharing this Thai red roselle and luffas
Not only for cleaning yourself, but to eat when young
And consider the leaves that we have never eaten
Consider opening your mind to a space and time
Where all is connected and race and nature and words that separate
No longer exist in the realm of connection that
Starts with a seed and ends with death becoming life
For this is no Frankenstein, this is only
The nature, the cyclical claim of what has always happened

Yet what we have turned so far from

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